Food Tips

what is in season in August

What’s in Season for August? – Seasonal Produce Guide

Summer’s drawing to an end far too quickly, but there is still enough time to relish the treats that August has blessed us with! August crowns a perfect summer harvest. Just check out how much variety there is with in-season produce! You may be wondering why even bother with seasonal eating...

4 Ways To Nourish Your Body & Replenish Your Electrolytes Naturally

Let’s face it – replenishing your body with electrolytes naturally isn't always on everyone's radar. The majority of people aren't even aware that there are healthier options than commercial sports drinks on the market. Most of these drinks are chemically treated, contain unnecessary high amounts of refined sugars, artificial flavors,...

berries carbs

Berries 101: How to Pick, Store, and Use Leftover Berries

Let’s talk berries and find out all we need to know, from picking the best ones to storing them. Captivating in color and size, fresh berries make the perfect guilt-free snack. Simply berrylicious! They’re not only tasty but very nutritious as well. Berries are high in fiber, vitamin C, and...

What’s In Season In July? Best Fruits and Vegetables This Month

Sweet summertime! We stroll under the blazing sun and gaze at gardens flush with fruits and vegetables. Heated July has already bestowed us with a rich harvest, and we should use it to the fullest. So what's in season in July? This month offers an abundance of Stone...

watermelon nutritional information

Watermelon: Health Benefits, Nutritional Content and Recipes

How to Pick a Perfect Watermelon?

Like myself, I don’t know many people that wouldn’t enjoy eating a juicy, sweet slice of watermelon on a hot summer day. At the same time, it can be a daunting task to shop for the perfect one. With a variety to choose from, should...

june seasonal produce guide

What’s in Season? June Produce Guide

Happy June to All Our Friends! We’ve been waiting for this! The sight of lush greenery and cultivated fields spreading across the countryside. Each year, the month of June blesses us with a bountiful, fruit-heavy harvest. And it’s not just the fruit: so many freshly gathered veggies are now available for...

Is it safe to eat pre-cut fruit

Pre-cut Fruit 101: The WoWs, Worries, And What You Should Know

Whole produce will always cost you less than its pre-cut alternatives. The reason is highly intuitive, as the prep, treatment, and extra(-pretty) wrapping going into that nicely pre-sliced fruit amount to an overall higher cost (according to some sources, as much as three times the original price!). But is that extra...

seasonal produce guide may

May is Here! Do You Know What’s in Season?

With summer just around the corner, the late spring market present us with plenty of healthy meal options…and it would be a pity not to make the most of this season’s freshest veggies! Don’t forget to stack up on your favorites and kick off your day with an invigorating smoothie...

How to Wash and Dry Herbs

Spring is here and the time for freshly picked herbs from the garden is fast approaching! It is easy to dream about sunny days where you are cooking fragrant meals with herbs freshly picked from the garden. But, usually, those daydreams do not include the process of cleaning and drying...

green onion benefits

Everything You Need To Know About Spring Onions

Spring Onions vs Onions

Shopping for onions can get overwhelming especially when you don’t exactly know the difference between yellow, white, red, sweet, shallots, or spring ones. Picking the right one boils down to the dish you're looking to make and the taste.

What Are Spring Onions?
